Friday, August 7, 2009

Sorting pears

I noticed through the holes in the pear boxes that there was some perceptible ripening going on so I opened up all three boxes and sorted them. All but FOUR pears had annoying little price code/bar code stickers on them so the girls and I peeled them off to avoid taking the sticker and the skin off together later. Almost all of the pears are still hard green, but there was a little softening on some. The ones at 3 o'clock in the picture are the "ripest" then going counterclockwise they get greener until by the third box, they are all the same. It will still be a few days before I do any canning. I bought 10 lbs. more of sugar and I think that will be enough for 100 lbs. of pears (I bought a third box). I'm going to put 1/4 cup sugar in each jar to make a light syrup. Maybe less.

On an unrelated note, just a few minutes ago a man and a woman in an expensive SUV stopped in front of the house, the driver took a picture of our house, then they sped off. AEM, if you want to know what the house looks like, just ask.


  1. I put up pears last year. They are delicious. You're going to be really glad that you put them up during the Winter.

    Where did you get the pears? I missed a story somewhere.


  2. Has the house started smelling perfumy yet?
    I think 1/4 cup sugar will give you a light syrup. I think I usually put in 1/2 a cup. That is more energy when you eat them, of course.

  3. Tina, I bought the pears at Sunflower Market. It's like Trader Joe's. I got three boxes, so a little over a hundred pounds.

    dx, no good pear smells yet. I'm waiting! Yes, I was thinking a quarter cup of sugar would be a light syrup and that's what I'm going for.
