Friday, March 27, 2009

Fast and easy school lunch, nutrition not included

On Fridays I'm tired of making school lunches for the girls. I try to put at least a little creativity into their lunches and as a non-creative person, that's hard. Friday is my day off, so they usually have prepackaged food in their lunches on Friday. I think this was about the most prepackaged they've had though.

"Cheez" and "breadsticks"

"fruit" rollups

chocolate pudding (the most nutritious thing in the lunch)

flavored water

plastic spoon

throwaway paper bag

The good part is the girls really like this kind of lunch, probably because they don't get it more than once a week.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing wrong with *easy* soemtimes mumma......

    thats why I make all my girls lunches and frreze them....
