Friday, February 13, 2009

Doll quilt, step 3

Here is the third installment of the doll quilt I'm making. It's the quilting step and I did a technique called "stippling." I've never done it before but I've seen it on other people's quilts and I really like it. I bought a special foot that has a loop instead of a normal sewing machine foot shape and it has a little spring that lifts it slightly when the needle goes up to allow better free-motion. What's most amazing is I was able to find not only the 1979 Kenmore sewing machine manual but also the plate that covers the feed dogs!

My stippling ability has far to go, but I like the way this turned out and will do it again for sure.


  1. wooooooooooooohoooooooooooooo

    well done!!!!

    I don't have the right foot to do that.......bother........
