Saturday, September 29, 2012

Here's the promised new major appliance

The old fridge was on life support after 13 good years, so we got a new one today.  I can't say it's an EXCITING! EVENT! because we bought pretty much the same thing we've had all along.   Big, white, side-by-side, with ice and water through the door.

We went to the Sears scratch-n-dent outlet here in town and in 15 minutes found the one we wanted, dh got on the phone and called a friend with a pickup truck to haul it home for us, paid for it with a credit card I got for a project I worked on + birthday money from my mom, and I was on my way home while dh waited for our friend.
And here is the frosting on the cake: my dear niece moved everything over from the old to the new.  How's that for true love?

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