Monday, June 8, 2009

What's actually in that juice?

This morning the girls and I had bowls of cold cereal, milk, and juice for breakfast. I'm trying to finish everything in my freezer so I made up this can (well, "plastic cylinder") of juice, then got to looking at the container. By looking at the package, exactly what kind of juice do you think it is? Cranberry?

Now take a look at the actual ingredients. Yes, it's 100% juice as the front states: apple juice, grape juice, oh, yes, cranberry juice, and plum juice. If you look at the front, in tiny letters it does say, "Flavored Juice Blend With Added Ingredients." Seems a bit dishonest to me anyway.


  1. I wonder how they get away with that. I have noticed that apple juice might be the first ingredient on many lists but not on the front label as first.

    It is an interesting fact that my comments never 'send' the first time I click but do the second time.


  2. ewwwwww thats scary............
