Sunday, August 21, 2011

Date night with dh

Twice a year our church has a "Stake Conference" which is the parent organization of about 8-10 "wards" or congregations. We meet at a different church building than our own because it is bigger and can accomodate the large crowd that comes on Sunday morning. The highlight for me is the Saturday evening session that is for just adults. It is smaller and more personal. The bad part is there is no babysitting available, so dh and I have not attended it together since C & E were born more than nine years ago. I usually go, or in the past year I have taken my mom.

Imagine my delight when my mom told me she'd watch the girls so dh and I could go together!

So this is how our evening went:

*Adult session of stake conference
*Auto show at a local diner--classic and/or cool autos--come park your car if you want to participate
*Ice cream at Culver's. It's new in town. I had a chocolate custard with brownie bits and Reese's Peanut Butter cups in mine. It was the size in the picture below and I almost couldn't finish it. I'll be back. Very occasionally. And it reminds me Wayne owes my girls and me a frozen custard in Nauvoo. ;-)

Dh and I had almost forgotten how much we like to go out together. I'm going to hit Mom up more often for her babysitting services so we can do it often.

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