Wednesday, December 22, 2010

McDonalds downsizing

Yes, I'm talking about products that keep getting smaller. Do manufacturers think we won't notice? Or maybe they have done some "studies" that show consumers prefer the smaller size at the same price. Yeah, that's probably it.

Since my girls are out of school, I let them choose a place to go today. They wanted to go to the local mall, so we did. After window shopping a bit C wanted to buy a pretzel at one of the counters. She had $2 and you'd think that would be enough to buy a twisted piece of bread, but with tax they were about $3. She was pretty disappointed and asked if there was anything at the mall to buy for $2. I remembered McDonald's in the food court and thought they'd probably have their dollar menu sundaes. She was willing to pay for hers, but I bought one for each of the girls and a fruit and yogurt parfait for myself (trying to be good). When I opened the bag I almost laughed at the tiny size of the yogurt. The cup has gotten such a narrow bottom on it it practically fell over. There is at most 2/3 the yogurt there used to be in the old ones and although there was a good amount of frozen-munchy strawberries, there was exactly one blueberry in the fruit mix.

The girls' hot fudge sundae cups were about 20-25% smaller than before because the bottom half of the cup below the vertical ripples is about half the height it was before. The serving was actually a better size for my girls, but I just hate the feeling that McDonald's thinks it's getting away with something without my noticing. Am I the only one who notices these kinds of things?

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