Friday, July 10, 2009

Swimming girls

When we put the girls in the pool for the first time none of them could swim or really even coordinate their movements for locomotion. Ten days later C can swim and E and S can coordinate well enough to move around the pool with their swim wings on. I'm surprised! C starts swimming lessons in about 10 days and I hope I can grab two walk-in slots for the other two as they would all benefit from some lessons. We are all starting to get tan lines but we usually swim late in the day to avoid the sun so we haven't had much in the way of sunburns. Having a pool costs $$$ so we are making sure we use it and enjoy it so the money isn't wasted.

I'm having trouble with links' not loading today, so Blossom, no comments on your blog today although I'm very happy to see you back!


  1. All sounds good to me.......

    I am glad to be back!!


  2. I wonder if this exercise might lead to increased appetites.

  3. Right now we're melting and a pool sounds great. I'd have no idea how to take care of one, though. lol.

  4. Tina, we're feeling our way and also have a pool service that comes out weekly and does the chemicals and does something with the pump. I doubt we'll keep them long-term, but it is helping ease us into taking care of a pool because we didn't know the first thing about them either.
