Thursday, May 28, 2009

Missing my camera

I love to take pictures of the things I'm doing every day and it's killing me not having my camera. I gave it to dh to take some pictures of this and that for me and I haven't seen it in weeks! I do have another camera here at the house but it's not as easy to use as my own.

I found out a neat trick when I went to the optometrist yesterday: if you are having age-related problems reading up close AND have a strong prescription on your glasses, you can move your glasses toward the end of your nose and it sharpens the focus on the close-up print. I know, I know, probably everyone reading this already knew this, but I didn't and it's nice to have some small advantage with this ultra-strong prescription I wear. :-)


  1. Good morning. What does dh think happened to it? dx

  2. Knowledge is a powerful thing ;)

    Hope you are snapping again soon!

  3. Anonymous, I do know what happened to it and I'll get it back. I'm trying to be descrete.
