Tuesday, May 5, 2009

House hunting

The girls had a week of spring break last week so we took a trip to dh's new city to check it out and look around for a house to buy/rent/etc. If you want to know where we are going, email me or leave a note here and if I know you and you aren't AEM, I'll send you an email.

Anyway, the new city is huge compared to our current village. There is lots to choose from when it comes to housing, but we have the proverbial problem of having champagne tastes on a beer budget. We want the best public schools for our daughters, but those schools tend to be in the expensive areas, and our budget is only average. We put in a couple offers to no avail. When I left on Saturday afternoon there was nothing in the works. However, over Sunday dh was busy online and the real estate agent pulled up a few things Monday.

Dh went to look at some places tonight and one of them is very workable so he was going to call the agent as soon as we got off the phone together to have her make the offer tomorrow morning. He left her with signed papers so all she has to do is write in the amount and present it. This place is "Santa Fe" in the extreme, with some . . . "interesting" paint choices. It would need lots of paint everywhere and new floor coverings upstairs and the removal of a bit of the Santa Fe kitsch, but it could work. That's all I'm going to say or think about it though, because I don't want to get attached to it quite yet.

We joined the zoo while we were there. Fifty dollars gets us in for a year, plus gets us in or at least a discount at lots of other zoos, should we happen to do any traveling. We went twice during the time we were there. I thought the girls would be bored going twice in three days but we actually spent more time the second time we went. It's a nice, smaller zoo. Very clean, too.

I believe our moving date will be sometime in June. A lot has to happen between now and then, but I'm looking forward to our next adventure.

1 comment:

  1. sheesh so much to take in........
    I do hope you find something soon.LOL on the house.......*interesting paint choices...* ROFL!!!!

    a yearly membership for $50!!!!........I doubt we could all get into our zoo for $50 much less a years membership!!!!!!!
