Thursday, May 30, 2013

Busy, busy day!

Camp Laffalotta's theme this week is cooking and baking.  Last night I got out our children's cook books and had the girls each choose two recipes they want to make this week, then write me a shopping list for her recipes.  I got some writing in that way--sneaky, huh?

Since the cleaning ladies come on Thursdays I always try to have that be a field trip day of some sort for the girls.  Everyone feels more relaxed when the girls are out of the house during cleaning day.  We started at the library where the girls signed up for the summer reading program and each checked out two books.
Next we stopped by to return Season 2 of Downton Abby to our friend.
Then we went to Hobby Lobby to return the three unused t-shirts from Sophia's birthday party.  I didn't know how many girls were coming and figured I'd better buy more and return them than buy too few and regret it.
Last, we had a shopping list from the girls' recipes and headed to the new Neighborhood Market about 3 miles from home, but relatively on the way home from Hobby Lobby.
It's amazing how fast the bill adds up when you're not shopping the sales or using coupons.  I'm not accustomed to buying pricey specialty ingredients, but since it was for the girls for Camp Laffalotta I just did it.

Here is the first recipe which happened to be the only dinner recipe chosen.  It's Steak and French Fries Salad.  Really.  And it was really good.

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