Thursday, October 6, 2011

Happy birthday to dh

Today we celebrated dh's birthday. It started last night when we went to an outdoor outfitter to choose a new and much larger tackle box for him.

In honor of his birthday he took the day off. His company is generous with days off and he has a number of days to burn. Since dh is going hunting later this year in an unfamiliar area, he took the day to drive the Suburban up into the area and scout it out.

While he was gone I went shopping for his requested dinner which was homemade hamburgers and pasta salad. He wanted to make the burgers himself, so I just bought the meat for him. I made a fancy pasta salad with homemade Italian dressing to marinate the pasta, cheese, pepperoni, peppers and cucumber dices. It was delicious.

The other project was his birthday cake which was a magnificent six pound German chocolate cake with coconut pecan filling. All made from scratch, of course. Ha--I hope he doesn't expect made from scratch every year. Next year will probably be Betty Crocker cake and canned frosting. :-)

The only real surprise for him was the girls' gift which was a portrait of themselves.

Happy birthday, dh--I love you very much.

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