Thursday, November 3, 2011

Activity Day again so soon?

I was sitting in church last Sunday and glanced at the announcements and saw another Activity Day scheduled for only a week after the last one. This is an every-other-week deal, not weekly!

I did the math and figured out the writer of the church bulletin probably saw that the second one in November would fall on Thanksgiving, which we obviously wouldn't be keeping, and decided to change the dates. A call to me to confirm would have been nice.

That said, I decided to just go ahead and move the schedule up a bit, so today my partner will give the lesson/lead the activity. I hope she comes. She forgot last time. When I was the assistant I was always afraid I'd do the same thing, but somehow never did!

Today is housecleaning day. The cleaning lady has the day off, so it is me, me, and me.

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