I went from there to the regional park near my home to volunteer for Bountiful Baskets. I visited a friend two Saturdays ago and she had just picked up her food. It looked interesting and although the website has practically no helpful information regarding the food you get, I decided to try it anyway. The price, oops, "contribution" is $15 but you have to add $3 the first time and $1.50 every time, so today's basket was $19.50 and future ones will be $16.50.
Here is a list of what I got for my $19.50:
3 lbs Bosc pears
1 lb strawberries
11 tangelos
7 Braeburn apples
16 bananas (one bunch was in return for helping with the distribution)
5 grapefruit
8 red peppers
2 cucumbers
2 broccoli
1 bunch leaf lettuce
4 zucchini
9 tomatoes
I'll definitely be doing both of these regularly. The Bountiful Baskets come every two weeks so that will keep us in plenty of fresh produce.
Oh--the "baskets" part? Our site takes up to 96 orders and it was sold out today. There were four double rows of twenty-four baskets, each just like my basket in the picture, except narrower. One was for fruits and the other for vegetables. Each order was two baskets, to be emptied into your own brought from home.
I've never heard of the baskets thing before. Great deal!
Thanks for the info on Bountiful Baskets - I am trying it for the first time this Saturday in Idaho. Hope it turns out as great as your baskets!!